Improving Lives, Building Bridges
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of Clackamas Strong is simple — to make Clackamas County stronger.

With five pillars at the center of this movement: Safety, Integrity, Growth, Progress, and Community, we aim to reclaim our right as a county to dictate our destiny. For too long, Clackamas County has outsourced critical decisions to leaders in neighboring counties that do not know, nor understand, what Clackamas County needs.



Clackamas County needs to be safe before it can be strong. With increased lawlessness throughout the state, Clackamas Strong aims to make Clackamas a haven for families and businesses. For that to become a reality, Clackamas Strong is committed to supporting the brave police officers in our county by recognizing their great work and helping them get the resources they need.



Clackamas County has its own identity and needs to make its own decisions despite outside pressures or expectations. Improving the lives of Clackamas County residents with more transparent elections and leaders of integrity needs to be the sole focus of every decision, and we must utilize our power to create the future we want in Clackamas County.



We must grow our community. Clackamas County is full of possibilities for individuals, families, and businesses, but we need the space and infrastructure to turn those possibilities into a reality. Development in Clackamas County, including increased land use, can no longer be hindered for the sake of other counties. Ensuring the growth of our county is crucial to improve not only the quality of life for current residents but also future residents.



To progress as a county, we must be mobile, and residents’ ability to move freely is a crucial part of our Clackamas Strong movement. That is why transportation policies, specifically tolling, need to be addressed. To create a better place for residents to live, we must maximize their time and resources.



The heart and soul of Clackamas County come from our residents, and Clackamas Strong is committed to finding real solutions that protect both those facing homelessness and residents with secure housing. Our community needs to pull together to find solutions that help those in need while ensuring the safety and improvement of the community. Our community is at its best when we work together.

Commitment to Clackamas
The citizens of Clackamas County are very concerned about a series of issues that directly affect their quality of life.

They are asking their county elected and business leaders to move Clackamas County in the right direction. This ‘Commitment to Clackamas’ represents a promise from these community leaders to their constituents that they will work to make Clackamas County a better place to work and live.



Refer a public vote to county residents about the tolling of public roads. Continue to find ways to resist and impede the imposition of tolling in Clackamas County.

Affordable Housing


Adopt changes addressing the runaway cost of building and owning a home such as reduced fees, unnecessary zoning restrictions, and other government policies.



Reduce homelessness by formalizing a comprehensive, solution-focused action plan that moves past temporary patches strategies and focuses on reducing root causes.

Public Safety


Fund our public safety system at a level which ensures the proper prosecution of crimes against persons and property. Implement incentives to encourage qualified people to make a law enforcement career for themselves in Clackamas County.



Implement transportation options which improve the movement of more people and goods to their destinations quickly and cost effectively. We will oppose options that are, in effect, taxes on low-income and working class citizens.

Election Integrity


Improve the integrity, transparency, and confidence in our election processes by establishing a non-partisan board charged with recommending specific changes to those processes.

Local Governance


Refer to county residents a measure whereby they would vote on the county’s continued involvement with Metro and its Portland-focused regional governance model.

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